
With Easy Billing: Pay water bill in one click

Thanks to the water bill online payment service of OceanBank (Easy Billing), our customers can easily pay their water bills anytime and anywhere on their smartphones or computers, particularly for those who  don’t have time to go to a water supplier and to pay the bills.

For a better service, OceanBank has been cooperating with many water suppliers to provide water bill online payment service on Easy Internet Banking and Easy OceanBank Mobile, details as follows:

Ben Tre Water Supply and Sewerage JSC.

Son La Water Supply JSC.

Phu Hoa Tan Water Supply JSC.

Son Tay Water Supply JSC.

Vinh Long Water Supply JSC.

Thue Thien Hue Water Supply JSC.

Western Ha Noi Water Supply JSC.

Ben Thanh Water Supply JSC.

Viwaco JSC.

For further information, please contact hotline 24/7 at 1800 58 88 15 (free) or visit the nearest branch / transaction office

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