News and Events
Call Center: 1800 58 88 15
- Easy shopping, Instant Taxi - 25/08/2023
- Grab with OceanBank - Discount 50% servives - 15/06/2023
- Let’s enjoy attractive promotion for international money transfer and receipt at OceanBank - 28/04/2023
- Preferential loans – Super profitable business - 19/04/2023
- Easy loan For Luxury life at Ecolife Central Park Vinh - 11/04/2023
- Optimal financial solution when pledging deposits - 13/03/2023
- Happy spring - Interest Rate Floor - 31/01/2023
- Welcome Lunar new year with lucky money storm of 50,000VND! - 12/01/2023
- Free money transfer on OceanBank e-banking channels - 12/01/2023
- Easy Loan - Welcome Tet - 26/12/2022