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OceanBank launches preferential deposit interest rate package "Golden saving season, Golden Interest rate"
From now until November 30, 2024, OceanBank is implementing the deposit interest rate package "Golden saving season, golden interest rate". This is a preferential interest rate package for VND savings deposits with interest paid at the end of the term and opened at the counter. The specific preferential interest rates are as follows:
- Interest rate of 5.8%/year applies to 12-month term deposits
- Interest rate of 5.5%/year applies to 6-month term deposits
- Interest rate of 4.5%/year applies to 3-month term deposits
With the above attractive interest rate, OceanBank is one of the banks with competitive deposit interest rates on the market. With other deposit terms, OceanBank also has attractive interest rates for diverse needs of each customer.
Through this program, OceanBank hopes to bring satisfaction and optimal benefits to customers when depositing at OceanBank.
For detailed information, please contact the 24/7 Customer Care Hotline: 1800 58 88 15 (free call) or visit OceanBank Branches/Transaction Offices nationwide.
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